It is time to spin off certain categories of my blog into their own special blogs. I will post an announcement as each blog gets set up. There will also be links in the right side bar to hopefully make them easy to find.
Possibly you wonder why. Maybe you wonder why I haven’t done it sooner. Basically, I began a blog to communicate with friends and family when we moved to Taiwan for a while in 2008. I had always loved writing, so it was a natural fit for me. When we moved back to Idaho, I made a conscious decision to keep it up, but, as of then, having no distinct plans for it. Then, my oldest daughter and her husband gave me a book on blogging for my birthday and I realized there was more potential to it than I had imagined.
After digesting the book on blogging, I stepped somewhat timidly into what is now called the “blogosphere,” with the wonderful technical help of the same daughter and son-in-law, who continue to be my main tech support, although I occasionally astound them with what I can research and learn. But, I began hearing a lot of people say that blogs should be specific, or have a “niche.” I wasn’t sure how to do that. In fact, I balked at the idea. I think I needed time for my blogging habits to settle some, because now it is pretty clear to me what I want to spin off. Here’s the summary of new blog sites:
- Fun Learning Chinese
- Fun Fitness After 50
- The Happy Libertarian
- The Stock Market Diaries
- Bible News Press
All the content associated with these topics will be moved to the new blog sites, so if those are your interests, I invite you to subscribe to them when the time comes. Until they are active, all the content will still be available here.
The current site, Daily Improvisations, will continue to be my “homestead” blog, where I will write about how I improvise in gardening, chickens, food, organization, sewing, crocheting, and, in a home-away-from-home sort of way, my sporadic and sometimes terrifying travel experiences (re: Wild Greg). And maybe other things I think of that don’t fit into my other blogs, thereby exemplifying why I had trouble finding particular “niches” in the first place. Sometimes a writer just needs to write.
The newsletter format will necessarily change to reflect all of this. Plus, I will obviously need to adjust the sign up give-a-way to things that coordinate with each blog. On one hand it sounds like a lot more writing, but on the other hand it sounds easier, as I won’t be trying to mesh so many subjects together.
I hope that you will still find my writing encouraging and engaging. May all your improvising lead to unexpected beautiful progress!