Cori Lou got to go home with her mommy and daddy on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 30th. On that day, she had gotten up to 7 pounds 3 0unces, up 1.5 ounces from the day before. She is still taking about 4 medications, the main one being the diuretic to keep her fluid […]
Cori Lou Where Are You in the NICU Still Too Small
Everything would be great if Cori Lou would just gain weight. For review, she was 6 pounds 6 ounces at birth. The recovery from abdominal surgery, the way it interfered with getting feeding and sucking established, and her heart abnormality have kept her from gaining consistently. She is, as of weigh-in this morning, 7 pounds […]
Cori Lou Where Are You in the NICU Needing to Grow
Cori Lou is progressing well with eating, but her weight has gone up and down enough that she is still just only 2 ounces higher than birth weight. This is a very important time for brain growth, so she needs to make some headway with this soon. Still, since the total amount she is ingesting […]
Cori Lou Where Are You in the NICU Breathing Easy
Cori Lou’s breathing has been dramatically better today and she was able to eat by mouth once that we know of. Eleven ounces of her mother’s milk, via a bottle, were consumed without distress. The time when Heidi was there, hoping to get to feed her, the silly goose wouldn’t wake up. Who ever heard […]
Cori Lou Where Are You in the NICU Dealing with a Ventricular Septal Defect
There are complications with the ventricular septal defect (VSD) sooner than expected. (Heidi and Rich were told about it the day she was born) Cori Lou’s respiratory rate (breathing) and heart rate are fairly high. The good news is that she is so far maintaining a high level of oxygen in her blood she is […]