People in government typically think they can manipulate the economy and the stock market. They either don’t recognize or ignore historically documented economic results from various governmental actions. Sadly, they are also often too interested in the political position that making certain promises will get them because too many other people are unaware of the […]
Perspectives on Predictions of Economic Collapse for the Humble Investor
There is one thing for sure, predictions of economic doom and collapse sell news. There are compelling reasons why it is so. There is plenty of obvious evidence of corruption and violence. Surely, collapse will come soon! Civilizations have collapsed in the past, haven’t they? The real answer seems to be relative, for several […]
How to Teach Your Children to Invest in the Stock Market
I have recently had the pleasure of setting up custodial stock market accounts for grandchildren. I knew this could be done because we learned about it when setting up stock market accounts for our (still at that time) minor children. I was also inspired to do it because my dear mother-in-law bought savings certificates for […]
Helpless Female Explores Google Spread Sheets, Fast Graphs, and Short Ratios for the Stock Market Diaries
Helping to do research for and suggest actions on our stock market investments can make me feel really smart and really dumb all at the same time. I will feel pleased that I finally understand how to glance at the company summary and key statistics at Yahoo! Finance, and know certain things. Then, I will […]
What Are Dividends and Why Do They Matter
Let’s do ‘Dividends 101’ first, just in case there are some who are wondering ‘what exactly are dividends?’ A dividend is a distribution of real money that is made by a company to the owners of shares of common stock of that company. The company makes sure that you, because you have an ownership stake […]