What volunteer seedlings teach about cool season planting One of the best ways to learn what you can plant BEFORE the last frost in the high desert of Idaho is to watch for volunteer seedlings. This would, of course, assume you had a garden in the general area last year. Watching when and where volunteer […]
The Scary Part About Growing Your Own Mushrooms
Are mushroom plants from another planet? Mushrooms have always seemed other-worldly to me. So it was with mixed feelings that I purchased the oyster mushroom kit that was on my husband’s Christmas list. It is true he has taken me out to collect wild mushrooms, morels in particular, and we ate those and survived. Not […]
My Favorite Gardening Books Ever as of the Year 2021 AD
Here are my all-time favorite gardening books, in no particular order. I am going to put a brief description of the book, why I like it, and how it has benefited me! I’m going to take it as a sign of experience that I have so many of the old editions! I have linked to […]
Lockdown Day 5: 4 Mistakes New Gardeners Make and How to Avoid Them
Seeds and plants are very forgiving. There is not a lot we have to understand in order to encourage them to grow. However, there are four common mistakes that can have a big impact on gardening success. Planting at the wrong time Damage during transplanting Improper watering Not monitoring for pests or disease Planting at […]
Lockdown Day 4: What to Grow to Produce Food Quickly
This title sounds panicky, but it is really just to answer a direct question asked of me. Besides, isn’t it something most gardeners ask every spring? So, here are some things to think about for growing garden vegetables for the near future. What part of the plant are you eating? In the life cycle of […]