We’ve seen them along the walls of the grayish white buildings when we walk through the dimly lit alleys at night. They strategically hang out near the lights, their translucent peachy pink bodies statue still until dinner arrives. No two of them are very close together and it is a competition to see who can locate the most. Now we’ve seen them in the house, as well.
They have to be the cutest lizards on the planet. The one in the picture above is in the kitchen, where the tiles are 3/4 inch long. He ran back under the stove after we saw him one morning this week. He might be the same one that showed up on the wall behind the couch in the living room this evening. Greg said something about a gecko and I turned around to see two little black eyes just peeking out from behind the pillows that I was resting on. That was closer than I expected and I started and scared the poor thing. I’m not the premier lizard hunter around here.
Greg located it again behind the couch and went to get the kids. The girls came in time to see it trying to pretend we couldn’t see it, but then it disappeared under the couch. Jesse came out soon after that, found it, and picked it up.
Soon it was time for the kids to leave for soccer practice, so they asked Greg what to do with it. I explained that I don’t have a problem with them in the house. They eat bugs. Plus, it is so small, if we put it outside, the other geckos might bully it. Greg said to let it go in the bathroom, so that’s what Jesse did. I’m not sure why he chose the counter, though. I guess it will keep the bugs off of the toothbrushes….