The magnificent husband and I were married 30 years ago last Tuesday. So, it seemed like a good time to post a poem that I wrote for him back in 2000. It does rhyme, in an unusual way. (Maybe you can figure it out.) I call it:
I had thought, when our love was birthed, that I was lost
In the depths of your eyes, in the fullness of heart.
But I have loved you more than youth, yet untried,
Can offer. That first joy was a sweet prelude
To the lessons of God; for no matter how dear
The gift that you are to me, I must be emptied
Of myself to love you best – and still cannot exhaust
The limit of Heaven’s hand to bless this art
Of marriage. To God’s perfect way I have replied
And you have met me there; I confess that I could
Not be myself without you. This I beg you – hear!
I will love you more as with this life we proceed.