I used a baby sling, um… years ago with my last couple of babies. It was the most comfortable and convenient way I found, through my seven baby experience, to cuddle and get a few things done. The baby in the sling was almost always happy. I was delighted with the opportunity to sew a sling for my dear daughter-in-law to try out.
This sewing guide by mayawrap.com is just what this lulu (grandma name chosen for both fun and to avoid confusion) was looking for. The instructions are pretty clear, but the visuals are limited. If trying to make this as a less experienced seamstress, it could be challenging to understand, so I took photos of my process hoping that may help someone.
The supply list is short:
- 2.25 to 2.5 yards of a cotton blend fabric
- 2 sling rings
- sewing machine
- HEAVY duty needle
- thread
I used 45 inch wide fabric and left the selvages as the finished edge. I told DDIL that if she found the edges were too rough, we could easily add a padded hem. I thoroughly ironed the 2.25 yard length of fabric before beginning.
Here are the 6 inch folds that are the first step (click on any picture to enlarge)-
I chose to use double rows of zig zag stitching to finish this edge.
After this, the fabric is put through both rings and sewn to secure them, always leaving the back fold free.
A size 18 heavy duty needle was the largest I had and I don’t see how I could have done it with anything smaller. You can see I reinforced by using a double row of stitching, one 1/4 inch from the zig zagged edge, another 1/2 inch in. The back fold is free.
Now it just looks like something to be hung as a curtain or bed canopy. mayawrap.com has an excellent selection of videos for learning how to wear the sling and position the precious baby.
DDIL is a natural at it, but will hopefully give a report of what she learns with experience using the baby sling. Well fed grand baby looks quite content –
And here is one last picture to show how smoothly it fits across the back and shoulder.