Yep, those are my fingers! I have never in my life had all of my fingernails look so nice all at the same time. Its my very own, real nails, too. The secret is multi-fold, as many are. First, move to a large foreign metropolis where everyone lives in high rise apartments. That cuts out many damaging activities such as gardening, no matter how much you like them. Leave your favorite doggy at home so as to avoid catching fingers on collars or leashes. Finally, crash while riding your bike so that you will need surgery for your broken face and then you will be exempt from housework, errands, and chores for about a month. I have not found typing or sewing to be a problem, so can recommend continuation of those if you like. It may seem to involve a bit of self-deprivation and pain when you begin, but in the end you will have ‘non-working girl nails.’ They make great back scratchers.