I was surprised to wake up easily at 5:30. I let my puppy out, then sent out a quick email to the Chinese tutor about the lesson schedule for Wednesday. By then the kids were up and getting ready to go exercise at the gym. After a brief panic about car keys, we headed out into the pre-dawn darkness to further rouse the day.
The next “mom-duty” was to recharge the gym card for our foreign exchange student, then I found a stationary bike on which to attempt new goals. I rode 10 miles within 42 minutes, in spite of a mechanical miscommunication between me and the bike at mile 5. My legs were not so jello-like that I couldn’t walk, but I proceeded cautiously down the stairs to the weight room as they trembled some at each step. There I fought the ongoing battle with marshmallow triceps, as well as other arm muscles that all have names like dinosaurs. I pass by the kids frequently in the weight room, checking on their form and routines, helping them know when to ask the trainers for input.
Once home again, we proceeded with breakfast, chores, showers, and Bible reading. Ah, I love discussing the truths of the Bible with the kids. They respectfully reminded me, however, of keeping on schedule and not going overlong in my enthusiasm. This was not before my 17 year old son wondered if we could sometime go through all of Paul’s writings and mark sections where he is being fantastical or sarcastic in his effort to make a point. They all had encouragingly thoughtful comments and questions.
Half way through the morning I reveled in their initiative and dedication to their study efforts, today’s reward for many years of training. I fielded questions about math, while I managed our stock account for Greg, his preferred way for me to “spend” money. At this point, I realized what a truly lovely day I was having. I worked on doing some laundry, helped Carlie clean the kitchen and thought, “I feel like super mom today!” Before you get too upset with me, realize that I have had a share of trying days, surgeries, sick children, people being mean to me, etc, etc. I would never seriously attribute any of my blessings to my own efforts. Really, today was no different. It was more like I had been imbued with special power that was carrying me along, causing me to accomplish, giving me a needed lift to do what was important. I was willing to go with that!
Next, I reviewed the translation and corrections by our tutor of a couple of Chinese letters I had written over vacation. I enjoyed getting a little help from Ian towards the end, again thinking about the Providence that had sent him our way without us asking. Then there was more helping kids by correcting their various assignments, give direction in subjects, and helping with graduation requirements for the senior. A phone call from the college child, from her designated location where she was signing up for classes for next semester, decided my next small project of organizing a copy of her high school records again. Some frustration here, as her process is rather complicated by Boise State University handing over the culinary arts program to the new College of Western Idaho. No one seems to have a complete picture of how to counsel the kids caught in the cross-over, so it is a bit like treading water at the moment. The fact that all of her high school transcripts, laboriously prepared by me two years ago, were easy to find, nonetheless lent a satisfaction even to this.
Now, I didn’t have to make dinner tonight because I almost always cook double or triple portions, cutting down my cooking time for the week drastically. I DID make four large golden loaves of sandwich bread. Years of practice with that, and I do it by memory… hardly ever forgetting the salt. Today was a success in that area, too. This and lunch had gotten the kitchen messy again, so I cleaned that and put more laundry through the machines.
Right about then I noticed a vaguely familiar feeling of fatigue. Ah. I wasn’t super mom after all. I’m pretty sure “supers” don’t get tired. Still, I sorted some clean laundry into individual kids’ baskets, while listening to a daughter read a classic book of literature to me, Jane Eyre. It’s her assignment, but it’s my story time! That was interspersed with coordinating a fairly new driver helping to transport a younger sibling to work as a maid for an adult sibling who is married and lives elsewhere. When that was all done, I made a quick trip out for fuel for the snow bound vehicle and bought milk.
My husband chivalrously claimed that I’m really super mom all the time, I just don’t realize it. He meant it very kindly, but I’m not sure I want the pressure that goes with that. Today I will take pleasure in the relatively smooth and productive day, but I expect tomorrow I will be just plain old me again.