I had the impression that zonal geraniums were fancy, expensive flowers. Then I read on the internet that many people consider geraniums to be common and garish. Go figure. Not that it matters what other people think, because I wanted to try to grow them from seed anyway. (click on any photo to enlarge) Zonal […]
Search Results for: fun flowers from seed
Fun Flowers to Grow from Seed: Passion Vine
This year I grew passion vines from seed for the first time. In fact, I have never even had any kind of passion vine plant in my garden or in a pot before. They are supposedly aggressive vines in warmer climates (like zones 9 – 11), but will die in cold winter regions, which southwest […]
Fun Flowers to Grow from Seed: Simple Tall Dahlias
I have had very good results from growing dahlias from tubers for quite a few years now. Then, this year, when I was ordering tubers from a new source, I saw they had seeds for sale. I had seen the smaller, bedding dahlias for sale in garden nurseries in the past, but had never purchased […]
Fun Flowers to Grow From Seed: Tidy Tips
Tidy tips are also known as poached egg flowers. I had some years ago that I bought as plants. They reseeded for a couple years, then got lost in the scheme of things because their seedlings look a lot like a weed that is very prolific in my yard. I always liked their white […]
Fun Flowers to Grow From Seed: Cosmos
I grow flowers from seed in my greenhouse for three reasons. I feel a strong urge to grow things in late winter when it is fairly impossible to grow anything of significance outside. I will succumb to fewer impulses buys of flats of flowers if I know I have my own to take care of […]