To get the full pattern for this shark pencil case, you will need to go to the Studio 7t7 website and sign up for her email newsletter. It is free with signing up. I am not associated with her. I simply found the pattern when researching gifts to sew for my grandchildren this coming year. […]
Growing Sweet Potatoes in SW Idaho
It was my husband’s idea. I had never heard of anyone growing sweet potatoes in Idaho. To inspire me, he found videos about growing sweet potatoes for us to watch together in our home dinner theater (aka watching from the comfortable couches in the living room). The southern accents and plant life in the videos […]
Replanting Overwintered Onions
Perhaps you have tried to harvest an onion that overwintered in your garden, but upon digging it up discovered it felt mushy. Your first instinct was probably to throw it away. Nobody wants to eat a mushy onion. But there might be another option. The onion might not be mushy because it is rotten. It […]
Super Easy No Knead Sourdough Discard French Bread
My sourdough starter was losing potency, even though the method I describe in Basic Sourdough Bread Making for Ordinary People Part One had worked for several years. Basic Sourdough Bread Making for Ordinary People Part One So I read up about bringing life to it in The Art of Baking with Natural Yeast. However, after […]
Dealing with Allergies from Weeding Blooming Kochia
Usually my allergies are skin allergies. I get intense irritation from even the slightest rubbing of things like sunflower leaves. I have had extreme skin breakdown from tea tree oil. I am very careful about what I put on my skin. However, this year I discovered blooming kochia will give me a full-blown upper respiratory […]