Do schedules wreak havoc on humanity? Apparently Aldous Huxley, author of A Brave New World, would be appalled by my love of lists and planning. Here in his essay, Time and the Machine, he seems to despair the softer, gentler world of the past. You know, the one wherein people didn’t have easy access to […]
Learning About Chlorosis for the Average Gardener – A Book Review
This week I wrote about chlorosis for the D&B Supply blog. Chlorosis has been a frustrating problem for me since I began gardening here in Idaho over 25 years ago. I have tried taking action based on the common gardening advice that I’ve heard at local nurseries, but have never been satisfied. So, this time, […]
Is There Such a Thing as a Weedless Garden
Sunday, May 10, 2015: I just spent the day in action motivated from reading the book Weedless Gardening, by Lee Reich. When I saw the title on another gardening blog I read sometimes (northwest edible life), I almost rolled my eyes and went on to other things. However, the title got me just enough so […]
One Mother’s Journey in Discovering Economics: Finance Accounting with the 36 Hour McGraw-Hill Course Book
After accidentally becoming exposed to the true nature of economics a few years ago, I determined to teach my children about this oft neglected subject. We began with Thomas Sowell’s book Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy. I quickly realized why nothing beyond personal budgeting is generally taught in government run schools. […]
Skonieczny Book is Basic Clear Introduction to the Stock Market
There are as many approaches to making money in the stock market as there are fad diets. And like these nutritionally questionable and unnecessarily expensive diets, most advice about the stock market is designed to keep the individual investor beholden to those who would like to make money from supplying a service that is really […]