It was my husband’s idea. I had never heard of anyone growing sweet potatoes in Idaho. To inspire me, he found videos about growing sweet potatoes for us to watch together in our home dinner theater (aka watching from the comfortable couches in the living room). The southern accents and plant life in the videos […]
My Favorite Gardening Books Ever as of the Year 2021 AD
Here are my all-time favorite gardening books, in no particular order. I am going to put a brief description of the book, why I like it, and how it has benefited me! I’m going to take it as a sign of experience that I have so many of the old editions! I have linked to […]
Lockdown Day 7: What Qualifies as a Modern Homestead?
Homesteading versus Subsistence Living What do you think qualifies a modern homestead? I think we all have ideas in our heads about Little House on the Prairie. Or possibly someone living off the grid who has very little contact with the modern world. But are those good representations for a modern homestead? Are they helpful […]
Lockdown Day 3: Seed Sorting and Seed Starting Indoors
Problem solving lighting for indoor seedlings All of my greenhouse shelves are already being used for garage and shed storage. Thus, I do not have grow lights this year. They are not very hard to set up, but in our small temporary house, there is no easy place to put them. I did consider moving […]
How to Grow a Plumeria Tree in Idaho (in spite of yourself)
I have a 20something year old plumeria tree in my kitchen in southwest Idaho in the middle of winter. It didn’t get here because I treated it with tender loving care. In fact, it had a fairly tumultuous beginning because… A plumeria is a tropical tree. It would not survive the winters in my region. […]