When to start Thunbergia seeds in the greenhouse I wait all summer for my Spanish Eyes Thunbergia vine to grow and flower. It is worth it. But let me start from the beginning. That would be in the greenhouse in late February or early March. These seeds look a lot like little brown peas. They […]
Search Results for: fun flowers from seed
Fun Flowers to Grow From Seed: Salpiglossis
Sal, like in Sally; -pi, like in pin; -GLOSS, like in floss; then -is like in sister. Sal-pi-GLOSS-is. Or in English: Painted Tongue. If I had heard the name first, I don’t think I would have been interested. Sounds like a questionable cultural practice. But several years ago, my parents came back from Buchart Garden […]
Fun Flowers to Start From Seed: Portulaca or Moss Rose
Right about now, the heat of summer has stressed many flowers. Portulaca is one of the annual flowers that thrive in the heat without looking like a weed. Its blooms seem to be defying temperatures with its airy, rose-like, brilliantly colored flowers. The green, leafy part of the plant is semi-succulent, but not prickly. It […]
Fun Flowers to Grow from Seed: Night Phlox, Midnight Candy
It is okay to have some landscaping features in common with your neighbors. After all, you live in the same climate with the same general ecosystem. But sometimes there are unknown options that aren’t available generally in stores as plants. The flower sellers try to offer some new ideas, but people can be hesitant to […]
Fun Flowers to Grow from Seed: Cape Daisy or Venidium Fastuosum
The word “daisy” is nearly synonymous with “flower.” If anyone wants to sketch a quick flower, it often looks like a daisy. “Daisy” is a category for shape in my flower identification guide. The common Shasta daisy is like the white shirt of bouquets – it sets off the rest of the flowers, but gets […]