There are a lot of fun flowers that love the heat of Idaho in July. If you are disappointed with your mid to late summer flower gardens, I have 3 recommendations for you:
- Whenever you drive around town, look at other people’s yards. Don’t be afraid to take photos. If the gardener is home, I expect they would be happy to tell you what a certain plant is. If they aren’t home, you can take the photo to your local nursery or try an internet search. You’d be amazed how much you can find out by goggling “vine blue flower July,” etc.
- Read the article that I wrote for D&B Supply about what is blooming in my garden in July. With an acre, I have a lot of room to fill. There are lots of photos with accompanying descriptions in the article.
- Find the book Passionate Gardening: Good Advice for Challenging Climates This book is full of ideas for high desert gardens. The photographs are inspiring and the writing is infectious.
Having flowers in your yard during the hottest part of the year will be appreciated by everyone who goes by. I regularly get to hear the contentment in the voices of delivery drivers and contractors, as well as neighbors, as they enjoy the soothing visual bouquet. Walkers and runners slow down to gaze. Some come over to front areas on the road to examine the blossoms. It brings joy to a gardener’s heart.
(click on any photo to enlarge)