I started out with 2 half sheet pans in the freezer, covered with grated zucchini, to control the moisture. Then, half way into vacuum sealing it with my fun new FoodSaver V3880I realized that I had to admit my freezer was jam-packed full. What to do, what to do? I went ahead and rather thinly spread the 8 -10 cups of frozen grated zucchini on a few Excalibur 3900
dehydrating trays.
The guidelines for dehydrating zucchini in the useful Excalibur guide (Preserve It Naturally: A Complete Guide to Food Dehydration)were helpful, even if it doesn’t talk specifically about grated zucchini. Since it talks of slices 1/8 to 1/4 thick, I spread the grated pieces in that range. I did not blanch it at all, even though I have done that when making zucchini chips. At 125 degrees, it took about 8 hours. When I judged it done, it was shrunken and crispy. And well stuck to the plastic grid.
In order to avoid sending zucchini shrapnel across the room as I picked it off of the mats, I gently curled the mats into a cylinder, with the zucchini pieces to the inside, while holding it over a piece of pre-folded wax deli paper (which we happen to buy to cover things in the microwave). Most of the zucchini pieces snapped off. The rest were removed by carefully bending the mat the other direction (again, over the waxed paper), and dislodging with my fingers. (click on any photo to enlarge)

[hr] All of that zucchini then fit into one pint jar. I did shake and push it a bit. I just ordered the inexpensive jar vacuum sealing accessories, (FoodSaver T03-0006-01 Regular-Mouth Jar Sealerand FoodSaver T03-0023-01 Wide-Mouth Jar Sealer
) so will be vacuum sealing it after all, but without needing to use up freezer space. I plan on using it mostly in soups, stews, and even spaghetti, like I have used the frozen grated zucchini. It should actually help keep those things thicker by using it in this form, but I’ll have to get back to you on the exact results. If it works out with the harvest schedule, I am inclined to try to dehydrate more grated zucchini, but meanwhile, I’m moving on to dehydrating broccoli and will bring you a report on that soon!